Delivery for Mr. Assange Book
Book out now.


«Art Under Mass Surveillance» Impressions
with Julian Oliver, Danja Vasiliev, Julian Assange,
Bit-Tuner, Daniel Ryser, Etrit Kaufmann, !Mediengruppe Bitnik

Photo credits: Digital Brainstorming, @greyscalepress, @crls__, @bitnk

Art Under Mass Surveillance

Saturday, March 08 2014, Helmhaus Zürich

How does the NSA spying scandal affect us as artists? What is the role of art and artists after the NSA leaks? Can art be a means to critically reflect on the possibilities and the implications of the digital?

In a day-long event at Helmhaus we investigated into the topics of art, free internet and surveillance. In their afternoon NETworkshop, Julian Oliver and Danja Vasiliev, authors of the «Critical Engineering Manifesto», showed participants the technical and political dimensions of the Internet.

The evening began with an artists talk by Danja Vasiliev and Julian Oliver on their artistic work under mass surveillance. For the book launch of «Delivery for Mr. Assange / Ein Paket für Herrn Assange», Daniel Ryser and Etrit Hasler performed the book together with musician Bit-Tuner. In a live video chat conversation between Julian Assange and !Mediengruppe Bitnik, they talked about the deliveries, mass surveillance, the possibilties of art and art wankers.

#WhiskeyLeaks, #ArtUnderMassSurveillance


Radio SRF 2 Kultur - Reflexe
Systemkritik auf dem Postweg: Die «!Mediengruppe Bitnik»

!Mediengruppe Bitnik in conversation about art, postdrones & whiskey.

Radio SRF 2 Kultur - Reflexe, 30min, 07.03.2014

Newsletter: «Art under Mass Surveillance»
Saturday, March 8 2014


1. Workshop with Danja Vasiliev & Julian Oliver & Talk
2. Book Launch «Delivery for Mr. Assange»
3. Conversation between Julian Assange & !Mediengruppe Bitnik

Saturday, March 8 2014
Helmhaus Zürich, Limmatquai 31, 8001 Zürich
Read it here.

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