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Random Darknet Shopper (2014 - ongoing)

The Random Darknet Shopper is an automated online shopping bot which we provide with a budget of $100 in Bitcoins per week. Once a week the bot goes shopping in the deep web where it randomly chooses and purchases one item and has it mailed directly to the exhibition space. Once the items arrive they are unpacked and displayed, each new object adding to a landscape of traded goods from the Darknet.

The Random Darknet Shopper is a live Mail Art piece, an exploration of the deep web via the goods traded there. It directly connects the Darknet with the gallery. By randomizing its consumerism, the bot is guaranteed a wide selection of goods from the thousands listed on deepweb markets.

In its first run from October 2014 - January 2015, Random Darknet Shopper bought 12 items from the deepweb market Agora, which were displayed at Kunst Halle St. Gallen in the exhibition «The Darknet - From Memes to Onionland. An Exploration». Since Agora discontinued its services in September, Random Darknet Shopper will now order items from Alpha Bay, currently the largest deepweb market place.

Ljubljana Edition: Aksioma Institute for Contemporary Art, 24 Feb – 25 Mar 2016
London Edition: Horatio Junior Gallery, London, Dec 11 2015 - Feb 5 2016
St. Gallen Edition: Kunst Halle St. Gallen, Switzerland, Oct 14 2014 - Jan 15 2015

Follow the bot and us on Twitter / Instagram

24.09.14 | No. 1
Fire brigade masterkeys set
Random Darknet Shopper bought this masterkey set from the UK for 50$

Firebrigade Master Key Set
Ordered by Random Darknet Shopper(24 Sept 14)
for 0.13009314 Bitcoins
Status: Arrived (9 Oct 14)
Shipped from UK
Item No. 1

Original description:
«Useful for the tool box for unlocking and gaining access to communal gates and storage areas.»
