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Peter Weibel: Polizei lügt, 1971 !Mediengruppe Bitnik: UBS lügt, 2009

«Polizei lügt» Peter Weibel, 1971; «UBS lügt», Bitnik, 2009

With «UBS Lies» !Mediengruppe Bitnik re-enacts «Police Lies», a work by Peter Weibel from 1971. An investment banker who happened to walk by participates in the shooting unasked. The shot of his quiet protest in front of a Zurich branch of United Bank of Switzerland (UBS) becomes «UBS lies: Attacks 1971/2009».

In 2010 the work caused some uproar: During the exhibition opening of „Too Big To Fail / Too Small To Succeed“ in September 2010 in London, the legal department of UBS had the image removed from a public billboard. In the case of further use or publication of the image UBS threatened to sue for libel.

!Mediengruppe Bitnik: UBS lies up on Billboard 6x3m, 2010

«UBS lies» Billboard, SPACE, London, 2010

Exhibition View: Substitut Berlin, 2011

!Mediengruppe Bitnik: billboard UBS lies in exhibition at substitut, Berlin, 2011
